To persuade the unwelcome guests to leave, port officials have removed a few docks and strung brightly colored surveying tape to stop them from leaping onto the two that still have boats tied to them. 为了赶走这些不速之客,港口官员已移走了几个码头,在仍有船只停靠的两个码头上装上亮色条带来阻止海狮跳过来。
I quickly resumed listening to masters tape and dared not stop again until I got off work in the evening. 我赶紧继续听师父的录音带,再也不敢停止,一直到晚上下班才不再有事了。
Air pressure braking, the adhesive tape could stop instant when stop the machine, to make sure accuracy of the length. 碟式刹车夹制器装置气压式刹车,停机时可瞬间将胶带停止,保证长度准确。
Spring tape around the arm or applying pressure and adhesive tape on the puncture site were used to stop bleeding after dialysis. 透析后内瘘止血方法为弹力绷带压迫法和透明胶带结合指压法。
Smothering firms in red tape is not the way to help them; Mr Obama should vow to stop adding to it, and to start cutting some of it away. 用繁文缛节来限制公司发展对其有害无益;奥巴马应当承诺不再继续进行此类限制,并开始在这方面进行精简。
Here is the last surveillance tape of the pit stop. 这是最后一盘维修站里的安全录像。
Air pressure braking, the adhesive tape could stop instant when stop the machine, position and label accurately. 气压式杀车:停机时,可瞬间将胶带停止,定位准确,贴标签准确。